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First Blog Birthday!

Today one year ago I uploaded my very first blog post or, well, that's what I thought! About two weeks ago I realised my blog anniversary was coming up so I decided to check the actual date - September 9. Anyway, here I am, celebrating my first year of blogging on my 'birthday', only to realise it was actually on Friday, September 6. Oops. I only realised because I wanted to link you guys to my very first blog posts. 

Regardless of when the actual date was, I've officially been blogging for a year (or 208 posts). How exciting! Click here to see my first blog post and here for my first review, both uploaded on the same day. 

Thank you all so much for being such fantastic supporters and followers of what I love, make up. I really appreciate it all.

I will be uploading a birthday giveaway within the next month or so (late, I know), but I don't want to order the prize until I reach my next saving goal (in case you're wondering, the saving is going terribly but I'm finally sticking to my plan). 

Once again, thank you all for your support and getting involved with Born to Buy as much as you can! Remember, I love reading comments. I'd also love for you all to follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram! Links will be attached, as well as below.

Here's to another fantastic year of beauty and blogging!

Click here to enter my Saucy Sweethearts bath and body giveaway! 

Always look your best,
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