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Review- X-Men: First Class

Review - "X-Men: First Class" - My 2nd favorite X-Men film behind X2, this is much better than the disappointing "X3: Last Stand" and the awful misfire of "Wolverine."  Although Michael Fassbender steals the show as the younger Magneto, I couldn't help but be fascinated with the size of the actor's noggin.  That's obviously neither here nor there. 

Other standouts include James McAvoy as Charles Xavier, Jennifer Lawrence (The Hunger Games) as Mystique, Nicholas Hoult (About a Boy) as Beast and Kevin Bacon as the film's main villain- yes, I said Kevin Bacon.  Hugh Jackman has a quick, but crowd-pleasing cameo as Wolverine.

The film is directed by Matthew Vaughn- 2010's "Kick-Ass" put him on the map as a talent to keep tabs on.  "First Class" is a bit harder edged than the last couple of X-Men films while also a bit irreverent- even those yellow and blue jump-suits make an appearance.  The action scenes are well done and the usage of CGI is rather solid.

Fans of the previous X-Men films shouldn't let the lack or absence of franchise stars like Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry or Ian McKellen deter them from checking this out.

Highly Recommended 

8.5 outta 10

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